Windy City BMW @ Autobahn Autocross
August 19, 2018 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Attention Autocrossers!
Extra 2018 Event – August 19th
The club has been presented an exciting opportunity to try out a new venue for autocross this year, Autobahn Country Club. This event will be an exhibition of sorts and is set for Sunday, August 19th.
Finer details are currently being fleshed out, but I can say that the intent for this exhibition is to be a fun, casual event that will operate similarly to a normal autocross and will be priced the same as well for the low, low price of $40 for members. This event will not count towards regular season points, but will count as an extra entry for the Yokohama Tire raffle (you still need to attend three regular season events to qualify). In addition, there will most likely be prizes in lieu of event trophies, and of course another opportunity to indulge in delicious cookies!
We hope you all can make it to this new venue and check it out with us. More details to come soon!
Registration will be through the Autocross System – registration will open on June 1st.