- It looks uglier and than simply mounting it. It’s asymmetric and in an unexpected place and is visually jarring. If you don’t want to run it, just leave it at home.
- It is, absolutely, 100% without a doubt, still illegal in whatever state you are in if your state requires front plates. You can most assuredly find in your state’s motor vehicle code two things that will make it so;
- Law about how affixed it needs to be to the car, often including height, direction of orientation, inability to swing, etc.
- Law about how it needs to be legible – this isn’t legible to someone standing next to your car, but visibly legible to a cop inside their car across the street, or readable by automatic sensors.
- Did you hear that? It’s still illegal, so you may as well not “try” anyway with it on your dash, since no one actually cares, least of all your state.
- Lastly, but most significantly, it’s a thin head level metal object inside your cabin. You have entirely no idea how it’s going to act in a crash no matter how you mounted it. Only a complete and utter moron would voluntarily put this inside the cabin with them. Would you want to be passenger or driver in either of these cars with a license plate on the dashboard???
In conclusion, it’s ugly, it’s 100% illegal, and it’s dangerous. Leave it in the garage or your trunk or just mount the damn thing.
Stop being a dumbass.
I like how the photo you used was pulled from a Facebook group. Also the front mount bracket is clearly visible. why didn’t you find a photo of a license plate actually on the dash?
i’m not sure what point you are trying to make with the facebook group.
i did find a photo of a license place actually on the dash. you literally just scrolled past two of them to comment.
the crash pics are to show what happens with an airbag deployment or side impact allowing the reader to imagine what having a nice thin head level piece of metal could have done. i’m not sure why i’m even having to type this out as i think that intent is completely obvious. particularly by the bold question in the last point.
On todays episode of opinions nobody asked you for.
it’s not my opinion that it is still illegal even when dumb people think it’s not. it is my opinion that it is a bad idea to have a head level piece of thin metal inside your cabin, but not everyone as intelligent as me in this regard.